Our goal is to work with you to achieve the best oral health, the most beautiful smile, and the most favorable dental experience possible. As a team, we focus on working together to best serve our patients. We strive to create lasting relationships with all our patients.
Call us at our office for answers to any dental questions. Or better yet, please stop by our dental office to meet us! We’re conveniently located on Hwy 82 in the beautiful city of Gainesville, Texas.
I feel blessed to be part of the dental profession and can truly say I love what I do. Coming to work is a total blessing. I love being able to help people and enjoy meeting and visiting with my patients. I love my patients of all ages and constantly learn from the people who come to see me, young and old alike. Life is all about learning, and each of my patients teaches me something new.
We have structured our office so we are able to spend time getting to know our patients on a personal level. It is normal to see a patient hugging one of my staff members as they leave, because of a conversation they’ve shared, or a connection they’ve made.
Kelley Wimmer, DDS

Dr. Wimmer accepts patients of all ages. We accept patients that have insurance, or patients that do not have insurance. Ask our office about your benefits, we can verify them for you. We are out of network; however, we accept most insurances and will file on what is provided to us. Most insurances approve out of network benefits. Call the office to learn more and we look forward to scheduling you!
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